Our Services
"Pup culture"
Lori Woods
Monday from 6:00 - 7:00 PM.
$150 for 6 weeks
The class will include all the basics, sit, stay, down, loose lead healing etc. We will also cover games and different exercises to teach you and your puppy to have a better understanding and communication to get through that first year.
Beyond Basic Obedience
Lori Woods
Monday from 7:30 - 8:30 PM.
$150 for 6 weeks
A class that will cover skills needed to compete in rally or obedience rings. We will go over how to train and perform rally signs, learn how to teach a positive retrieve, beginning hand signals as well as starting on obedience jumps and introducing "go-outs"
Basic obedience with CGC/trick dog evaluation option
Lori Woods
Tuesday from 6:00 - 7:00 PM.
$150 for 6 weeks
Class will cover all the skills required to perform the CGC test as well as basic obedience to help form a better bond with your dog. This will include, loose lead walking, how to greet strangers and new dogs, the difference between sit, down and stand as well as how to stay for up to three minutes. The session will be for six weeks and CGC /trick dog evaluations will be given at a later date.
Novice Agility.
Jason Pierce
Wednesday from 6:00 - 7:00 PM.
$150 for 6 weeks
I will start teaching more on the handling of a novice agility course and also be preparing the handlers and dogs for their first shows. Also, will keep teaching some foundations in this class as well. Please bring a crate, water for dog and several toys and food as treats to each class.
Open/Advanced Agility.
Jason Pierce
Wednesday from 7:15 - 8:15 PM.
$150 for 6 weeks
I will start teaching more on the handling of a novice agility course and also be preparing the handlers and dogs for their first shows. Also, will keep teaching some foundations in this class as well. Please bring a crate, water for dog and several toys and food as treats to each class.
Agility Foundation 1
Tamara Hagen
Thursday from 7:15- 8:15 PM.
$150 for 6 weeks
Minimum age 4 months This course covers early foundation skills that you need to form a great agility partnership with your dog. We’ll learn how to train together with joy and how to reward effectively using both food and toys. We will play games to work on connection, confidence, body awareness, focus, and working together. We’ll learn the basics of being an agility handler, which includes knowing how to tell your dog when to stick with you, and when to drive away (and come back). We’ll build the first steps of a solid release off the start line. We’ll build targeting skills that are the starting point for future training. Essentially, this course will help you start your agility team off on the right foot.
Agility Foundation 2
Tamara Hagen
Thursday from 6:00- 7:00 PM.
$150 for 6 weeks
Prerequisite Agility Foundations Level 1.
Minimum age 6 months. This course covers obstacle and handling foundation skills. We will train jumps and tunnels as individual obstacles. We will learn basic handling skills, including front crosses, rear crosses, and blind crosses to help us put obstacles together in small sequences. We will train safe performances on the contact obstacles (teeter, dog walk, A-frame) and train the weaves up to 6 poles. All of this takes time to learn, so teams should expect to be in Foundations Level 2 for multiple sessions until they meet criteria to move up to Novice agility.
Introduction to K9 Nosework Class
Anne Stocum - I’ve been training dogs for over 30 yrs and have had multiple championship-
level agility dogs. I have been studying Nosework for about 3 yrs (with Julie Symons and others) and
have titled a dog through NACSW levels 1. Contact me at astocum9@gmail.com
Tuesdays from 7:30-8:30pm
$150 for 6 weeks plus supplies (6 Students Max)
In K9 NoseWork, dogs learn how to search for a specific odor or odors and find its source (the “hide”).
This activity is fun for the dogs, builds teamwork and gives us a glimpse into how our dog “sees” the
world. We start the training by making it easy for the dogs to “go to the source” of the odor. Then
reward them with food near the source. By making the “source” of the odor highly rewarding, we train
our dogs to search for that odor only and to find its source, ignoring other odors in the environment. As
handlers, our job is to “read” our dogs indication on the target odor and to consistently reward the
In the Intro to K9 Nosework Class, you will learn how to handle odor, do exercises with your dog to build
value for the “odor”, get them hunting for odor, learn how to reward the “find” and how to “read” your
dog’s alert to odor.
Eligibility: All ages from about 6 months old. ! I started my Tai at age 10 yrs old and plan to start my 6
month old puppy anytime!
Supplies: I will bring these to the first class. Select one option:
Introductory kit with Birch Odor Only $18 - plus 4 colanders ($5) = $23 for students who
are “just trying it out”.
Complete kit with all three odors and essential oils (Birch, Anise, Clove) - $65 plus 4
colanders ($5) = $70 for students who are pretty committed to learning the sport. This will
be pretty much all you will have to buy to carry you from beginner to advanced levels.
Payment: Cash, check (Anne Stocum or Game On! Dog Training) or Paypal
( jstocum@rochester.rr.com )
19 Briarwood Lane, Fairport, NY 14450
Ring Rental.
$20 per hour
The Building will be available for practice. Learn more HERE. Book below.